Friday, September 28, 2012

Poochie Cabree eats out Commercial Street Diner

I would have to say that today was a successful venture for Poochie Cabree. Our first stop on our amazing journey was, as you can see, Commercial Street Diner. Our first thoughts about the quaint little joint was that it had a small cozy feel, lot of older people, aaaand it was a little cold. It reminded us of the small town diners that we go to in our own towns...even the smell was familiar. We had to seat ourselves...which was a little awkward, but there were coffee cups on the table which immediately made us want coffeeeee!!!! Weeee!

The service was friendly and speedy and they informed us about the deals that they had for the day and were willing to make adjustments to our orders to accommodate us.

The french fried green beans were the SHIZZZ!!!!!! They were warm, crisp, green beany, and delectable...they even came with a real fancy side of sauce (ranch and salsa...mmm, saucy).

These bad boys were big (look at the comparison to the spoon...yowza) The batter was sweeter and denser than most panny cakes...I liked dat. Great whippy butta and warm syrup. Horny yet? ;]

Just's burger time.

The barnyard burger had a soft bun, shaped like a flower, juicy charred meat, crisp, succulant bacon, melty cheeses, and a fried egg. Can you say, "Poooooochieeee". It also came with steak fries which were adequate, we could kind of taste the oil on dat shit, and we never got our mustard :[ wahh!

Besides the food, the decor was very regional...lots of pictures of deer and plants (kewl). They had halloween decorations scattered sparatically, it's nice to know that they show spirit for the holidays :D Boo. They had a street light in the diner, way cool! Did they steal it? I can respect that...There was a special clock with spatulas, YIPPIE! There was no music, which some old timey music could have been nice. Some of the meals didn't come with sides :/ But we overheard the employees making jokes to one another, which we liked,

"I think everyone's taken care of, I'm going to the restroom", says the lady
"Have a nice vacation", says cooking bro.

Prices were a little too high, which could inhibit us from going back on a regular basis...little tunechi :/

STARS: 4/5


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